How Love Yourself M.T. Got It's Name!
I've always loved being active and busy, but MY "Love Yourself" journey really started in early 2020 when we started discussing having children and the start of my side business of sharing health supplements.
These supplements helped me find myself, gave me personal development to work on my mind through the community, as well as boosted how I felt energetically for day to day life and running.
I then began focusing even more of fitness, payed a bit more attention to what I consumed, and really started working on my mindset.
Now, since birthing our son in 2021, I've stepped even higher into my "Love Yourself" journey with completing a 100 Day Project of fitness. I wanted to "get my body back" after having him, complete numerous 5k's, and be even more physcially prepared for when child #2 came. This project engrained into me that I feel my best when I workout, listen to personal development, and drink my supplement daily.
And for me, now as a mom... I see it is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE to take care of oneself! BODY AND MIND!
You have to do something to stay sane! HA!
All of these things though, are MY selfcare. It is how I take time for me. They are MY way of LOVING MYSELF.
It's just beautiful how massage, fitness, selfcare, and my supplements all fit into the category of Loving Yourself!
And I want to help you do just that! LOVE YOURSELF!
That is my goal, it's why I'm here!
Not enough people take or make the time to take care of themselves. We always take care of others before ourself, and that's not exactly how it should be. It is not selfish to take time for yourself. I want to help you give yourself the time and make the time to love yourself, physically and mentally through massage.
I'm looking forward to being a part of your Love Yourself journey!